About Christina

I see people of all ages with all different ailments
Pain Syndromes
Digestive Issues
Elimination diets
Food allergies & intolerance
Weight loss
Skin disorders
Mental Health
My Story
I'm a Naturopath, Herbalist and massage practitioner who deals in a variety of pain including both physical & emotional.
Like you, I'm a mother, wife and daughter. It's a great life but I'm a little different. Some say quirky others say just a little weird. Like many of you out there when I got sick as a teenager things didn't always go to the conventional plan. I stump doctors and medications just don't work like they should. Morphine gives me pain instead of being pain relief. My poor mother struggled to find answers for me.
Conventional medicine didn't know how to help me but Natural Medicine did. So it was not a hard decision for me to enter the world of Natural Medicine.
It all began at 18 when an energy healer told me I was a natural and took me under his wing. I then did a Massage Certificate at the age of 21 when I did my Sport and Rec Certificate. I have been massaging on and off for 30 years. Then in 2008 I went back to school. Natural Medicine was the obvious choice and I qualified with a Bachelors in Natural Medicine in 2013.
I love finding the light at the end of what to some was a very dark tunnel. I am usually the last person someone finds their way to. I have to say it is very satisfying to help those that have started to think there is no hope. I believe in a whole-body approach to health.
My motto is the healthier you are the happier you are. It makes life so much easier if we feel great. The body has the ability to heal itself, we just need some help sometimes to get the message through “that we can do it.” Give it the right nutrition, the right rest, the right spark and health is possible. Live the life you were meant to instead of living the life you must endure.